Saturday, July 15th
11-12:30pm Registration and Room Assignments (Towers Lobby)
1:15pm Campers Meeting (Towers-Outside)
********GK’s go with team*********
1:30pm Attendance/Leave for Stadium: Athletica, Locker
1:30pm Attendance/ Leave for Football Turf Field: Crew, CFC, WVU
1:30pm Attendance/Leave for IPF Fields: GVCS, CAI
Athletica vs Locker
Crew (9v9) CFC (9v9) WVU (9v9)
3:10pm Attendance Leave for Football Stadium Waynesburg, Canada
Attendance Football Turf: USA, Mountaineers
3:10pm Attendance/Leave for IPF Fields: Schuylkil Valley
3:30pm 1st set of games back to dorms
USA vs.