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TOM UTLEY: £15,000 for hurt feelings after being left out of a work WhatsApp group? I'd count it as a blessing!

Related Topics: WhatsApp

How much are your feelings worth? I ask because some people's seem to be very pricey — and extraordinarily fragile, too.

So it appears, anyway, from this week's news that an employment tribunal has awarded a plumber £15,000 compensation for injury to his feelings, after he was left out of a work WhatsApp chat group while he was off sick with a bad back.

The award was part of a whacking £134,411 settlement granted to Mark Brosnan, 60, by Employment Judge Sarah George, who ruled that his employers — Coalo, a facilities management company wholly owned by the London Borough of Hounslow — had done 'literally nothing' to ease his return to work after his back trouble.