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LOVERRO: Redskins ripe to be replaced atop local sports hierarchy


•I get why there isn’t much excitement in town about the Washington Wizards and Capitals starting their respective playoff seasons. The indifference has been well earned.

But let’s not forget the opportunity that once again is before them — to fill the Washington championship void. To finally take advantage of the pathetic Redskins’ reign of dishonor.

No one knows for sure what would happen if one of the other three pro sports franchises in town — the Nationals, Wizards or Capitals — would finally break through with a title and, at least briefly, wrestle away the hearts and minds of DMV sports fans from the Redskins, who, despite being one of the most dysfunctional and embarrassing franchises in all of sports for the past two decades, remain the top dog in the competitive battle for fan attention and dollars.