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Wire Taps: Nationals talking to DJ LeMahieu? Nats sign Henderson Alvarez; Future of the Kieboom bros; Braves make a splash...

Interestingly, the NL East is abuzz — it’s just not the Nats or the Phillies making the moves, though retaliation certainly seems likely within the coming weeks. When do we declare the Hot Stove on?

Here’s the scoop from South Capitol:

The Braves arrived early in 2018. Now they’re swinging for the fences. (WaPo)
The Braves are continuing to dial up the pressure on the Nats, trying to storm further ahead with Josh Donaldson and Brian McCann — a former MVP and a Hall-of-Fame candidate, respectively. They may not even be done, with the ability to sign Craig Kimbrel or Bryce Harper still in their back pocket.