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Media engages in ‘hysteria’ over McCarthy victory

Related Topics: Kevin McCarthy


So how did he do in the press? Newly minted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy drew attentive but predictably critical news coverage following his election to that esteemed position on Capitol Hill.

A few sample headlines from that coverage which surfaced in the last 48 hours:

“Kevin McCarthy’s tarnished triumph” (New York magazine); “McCarthy’s dream job could become a nightmare” (Reuters); “Kevin McCarthy and the return of the pre-Trump GOP” (The New York Times); “McCarthy’s struggles point to troubles ahead for his office, his party and Congress” (National Public Radio); “How McCarthy survived the House chaos to win the speaker’s gavel” (CNN); “What’s in Kevin McCarthy’s deal with conservatives” (The Way Street Journal); “Kevin McCarthy delivers first remarks after winning House Speaker: ‘Our nation is worth fighting for’” (Fox News); “Here are the concessions Kevin McCarthy had to make to become House Speaker” (Mother Jones).