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Stuff and Shenanigans: Compliment Sandwich

Related Topics: Rick Astley

In case you were wondering my stance on intros, don’t worry, I’d never flip-flop. They are still, and will forever remain, dumb as crap.


Why ZTF rules

Here’s what we’ve learned about ZTF over the last 10 halves he’s played:

1) When he’s on the field beating up an opposing Very Large Manchild, it’s with the unsettling joy of a transient orca hurling a harbor seal six stories into the air before finally ending its misery, and

2) When he leaves the field having just beaten up an opposing Very Large Manchild, it’s with the endearing joy of a puppy who destroyed your couch while you ran off to Bartell’s to refill your psoriasis meds, whose brain’s only thought is “Gee, that destruction sure was fun!