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‘Imperium’: Beware coconut-loving vegetarian nudists

Christian Kracht’s novel “Imperium” tells the story of a vegetarian nudist with control-freak tendencies who tries to found a commune in German New Guinea in the early 20th century. Complications ensue.

“Imperium: A Fiction of the South Seas”

by Christian Kracht, translated by Daniel Bowles

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 179 pp., $22

Swiss novelist Christian Kracht must have felt he’d the hit historical-fiction jackpot when he came across the story of August Engelhardt, a longhair vegetarian nudist who founded a coconut-centric commune in German New Guinea in 1902.

The resulting novel, “Imperium: A Fiction of the South Seas,” nabbed Germany’s prestigious Wilhelm Raabe Literature Prize in 2012.