A detailed, categorized calendar of events all over Seattle and Western Washington, July 24-30, 2015.
Animal events
Olympic Sculpture Park Dog Night
JULY 30 Leashed dogs welcome with treats and activities; Seattle Humane’s MaxMobile adoptable animals, 4-7 p.m.; food trucks, 5:45-7:45 p.m.; music, animal portrait art activity, film “Best in Show,” 6-8 p.m.; public tour, 6:45 p.m. July 30, Olympic Sculpture Park, Broad Street and Elliott Avenue, Seattle; free (seattleartmuseum.org/summer).
Auto events
Goodguys Pacific NW Nationals
FRI-SUN Display of 2,500 vintage hot rods, custom, classic cars and trucks from 1972 and before, automotive exhibitors and vendors, swap meet of auto equipment, parts and memorabilia, classic cars for sale, kids’ entertainment, 8 a.