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Charting the Huskies’ path to the College Football Playoff

The Washington Huskies’ road to the College Football Playoff is paved in gold. It’s flat, fresh and straight-forward:

Win and you’re in, the road signs read.

It is that simple.

The College Football Playoff committee is composed of 12 members who will meet once a week starting at the end of October. The committee’s first ranking of 2016 is to be released Nov. 1. Here are the 12 members:

Kirby Hocutt (chair): Texas Tech AD

Barry Alvarez: Wisconsin AD

Jeff Bower: former Southern Miss coach*

Herb Deromedi: former Central Michigan coach*

Tom Jernstedt: former NCAA vice president

Bobby Johnson: former Vanderbilt coach

Jeff Long: Arkansas AD*

Rob Mullens: Oregon AD

Dan Radakovich: Clemson AD

Condoleezza Rice: Stanford professor/former Secretary of State

Steve Wieberg: former USA Today college reporter

Tyrone Willingham: former UW/Stanford/Notre Dame coach

And yet it is, of course, not that simple at all.