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Redskins receive high grades for this year's draft class

The grades are in and the Washington Redskins earned high marks for this year’s draft.

Twitter user Rene Bugner compiled 18 draft evaluations, finding the Redskins tied for the best “GPA” in the league. Washington, based on Bugner’s method, came away with a 3.74 GPA — tied with the New England Patriots.

2019 NFL Draft | Team Grades
> Everyone loves grades
> makes no sense. still fun!

I compiled 18 draft evaluations incl. @MelKiperESPN@McClain_on_NFL@evansilva@NFL_DougFarrar@Andy_Benoit@MockingTheDraft@Eric_Edholm@ryanohalloran@LukeEasterling

Thanks for doing these ud83dude4fud83cudffc pic.