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Redskins, Loudoun County Donate Funds For Ashburn Colored School Restoration

The Washington Redskins and Loudoun County are donating funds to benefit the restoration of the Ashburn Colored School after it was recently vandalized.

Redskins owner Dan Snyder and the Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation are donating $35,000 to the Ashburn Colored School, which was recently defaced with derogatory messages and symbols.

“The defacing of this historic African American structure was felt by the entire Loudoun community and came to the attention of the Washington Redskins team leadership,” said Board of Supervisors Chair Phyllis J. Randall. “They reached out to my office following the joint news conference and asked what they could do to help; when I learned that the organization planned to support the school, which is located less than two miles from Redskins Park, I was very grateful for their continued community support.