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Virginia Tech Hokies at the 2024 Halfway Point: A Special Edition of Good, Bad, and Ugly

John Schneider 1981 graduate of Virginia Tech, B.A History 42-year plus Technical Professional 61-year photography buff 40 year writer. Covered Virginia Tech Sports since 2014 Member of the NSMA

Stanford Did have Some of Each

The prompt for this take on the Good, Bad, and Ugly review was the DVR session with the Stanford game. While it was a win, and a welcomed one at that, there were definitely highlights and some lowlights that upon thinking about it, pretty much summed up the G, B, and U for the entire season.

Football Reality

2024 football is not really anywhere near the football that was played for my first game as a Hokie (well, Fighting Gobbler) as we marched in for the Texas A&M game on Sept.