Well, it’s good-bye, I suppose. I was planning on writing this little letter at the end of the regular season; but it’s just as good to get it done and finished. I guess that you really did end up being the guy who followed “The Guy”. It wasn’t like that at the end of 2016, though. You started out on fire with a ton of hope, good community relations, and a basically healthy, but struggling and sadly average team. They were enthused with the new coaching talent, and focused on winning something, anything. You brought a big, fast read option quarterback with you from your Memphis recruiting tree, and Jerod Evans ended up being the spark plug that drove you to ten wins in 2016, and a major bowl victory over Arkansas in one of the most frustrating but exciting games in the last 10 years.
A Good-Bye to Justin Fuente: Learn from This and Good Luck