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Week Eight Football Mail Bag: Answers to your Questions

The worst is behind us now, right? Right!?

Seriously though, this is like carrying all your groceries in one hand, forearm burning as you unlock your front door, only to nearly launch a tin of sardines into orbit when you pick it up because your muscles are used to the sheer, maddening weight of playing in a conference full of Neanderthals and semi-pro knuckle-draggers who just keep reloading while you stare into the abyss and say “going to Missouri (spits) should be pleasant” and know your soul must be dying because Missouri (spits) is like Aokigahra with meth labs and nothing is ever pleasant about a trip there, and this is supposed to be a question, so how soon do you think we might make a bowl game again thanksI’llhangupandlisten?