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Vancouver Whitecaps FAQs: What’s The Deal With Sam Adekugbe

Related Topics: Sam Adekugbe

Welcome to Vancouver Whitecaps FAQs. This is a new series i’m planning to help casual fans keep up with the team. Despite an average attendance of 20,000, outlets that write about the ‘Caps like us, or our friends over at AFTN and FTBL tend to have a core readership of only a few thousand. If you measure by Twitter followers we’re all somewhere between 1000 and 3000 followers. This suggests to me that there’s a lot of causal fans of the ‘Caps out there who aren’t necessarily keeping up with the latest news. Now there’s nothing wrong with being a casual fan, i’m a casual fan of lots of stuff, but one needs only to go to any Whitecaps post on Facebook or Twitter to see that there’s a lot of people who are a bit confused about what’s actually going on.