No, I'm not having a stroke, just stoked that on a day where #Canuckrage is well... raging, that there is some good news to tell you as reports have Nikita Tryamkin signing with the Canucks
It started with a tweet...
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="ru" dir="ltr">u041fu043eu0435u0445u0430u043bu0438! 21-u043bu0435u0442u043du0438u0439 u0437u0430u0449u0438u0442u043du0438u043a <a href="">@IHCAvtomobilist</a> u041du0438u043au0438u0442u0430 u0422u0440u044fu043cu043au0438u043d u0434u0430u043b u0441u043eu0433u043bu0430u0441u0438u0435 u043au043bu0443u0431u0443 <a href="">#u041du0425u041b</a> <a href="">@VanCanucks</a>, u043eu043d u0438 u0430u0433u0435u043du0442 u0436u0434u0443u0442 u0431u0443u043cu0430u0433u0443 u0438u0437 u043bu0438u0433u0438.</p>— u041fu0430u0432u0435u043b u041fu0430u043du044bu0448u0435u0432 (@ppanyshev) <a href="">March 4, 2016</a></blockquote>
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The awkward Google translation of that?
Go! 21-year-old defender Nikita @IHCAvtomobilist Tryamkin agreed NHL club # @VanCanucks, he and the agent waiting for the paper from the league.