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UTEP undecided at quarterback again, but set at running back

Related Topics: El Paso Times, grade

Rudy Gutierrez / El Paso Times

As the UTEP football season hits the three-quarters mark, the Miners are showing a little bit of new and a little bit of familiar in their preparations for North Texas.

The new is at tailback, where freshman Joshua Fields is ready to take his turn as the featured rusher.

The familiar is at quarterback, where UTEP is right back where it was two weeks ago, with a three-day competition between Ryan Metz and Zac Greenlee to take the reins.

UTEP is in the "throwing things at the wall to see what sticks" phase of trying to fix the offense, and that's going to mean some changes for whoever is at quarterback, but at least the Miners think they've found a solution for running the ball.