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The Gala: Combining Modern and Ballet in Innovative Ways (preview)

Featuring an iconic confluence of two creative groups, the ballet and modern dance programs will be premiering a unique collaboration in their upcoming School of Dance Gala. A mix between original choreography and famous restaged works, the Gala will perform a myriad of different pieces.

Co-director Brent Schneider, a professor at the School of Dance, said: “Each piece is wildly different and specific to the choreographer and the dancers.”

The Gala presents a new perspective to the dance atmosphere at the University of Utah by combining two highly creative and talented, albeit vastly different programs.

“I have felt separated from the ballet programs dancers in the past and this experience has allowed me to meet and become better friends with some beautiful dancers,” said Nicholas Gibas, a junior in the modern dance program and a dancer in the Gala.