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Nearly three decades after Anita Hill came forward, Sen. Orrin Hatch again sides with the accused, not the accuser

Washington • Sen. Orrin Hatch said the woman’s story accusing the Supreme Court nominee of sexual misconduct was “too contrived.” He believed she was lying after being coaxed by liberal special interests to derail the confirmation and was yearning for the spotlight.

“For all the expressions of wanting not to have publicity and to avoid publicity, I personally felt that she looked as though she enjoyed having the publicity today,” Hatch said on the Senate floor. “But, be that as it may, her story just does not add up.”

“Frankly, his reputation is an absolutely impeccable one and unimpeachable, in my opinion, having sat through all five [of his] confirmation proceedings and having presided over three of them,” the Utah Republican said, adding later, “Frankly, I am getting the opinion that some people stop at nothing to get their ideological aims fulfilled, even if it means smearing a very fine man and his family.