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UDOH Provides Guidance to Jazz Players and Families

SALT LAKE CITY (March 12, 2020) – Members of the Utah Jazz, who tested negative for COVID-19, returned to Utah on Thursday. The traveling party immediately met with Dr. Angela Dunn, the state epidemiologist for the Utah Department of Health (UDOH), who provided instructions on how to safely and comfortably engage with their families and communities.

Dr. Dunn and other representatives from the UDOH answered questions from individual players, who are participating in a 14-day self-quarantine. Individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19 will help limit community spread of the disease by following self-quarantine instructions. Dr. Dunn offered a few key points, including:

  • All members of the traveling party have tested negative for COVID-19, and none are currently experiencing any symptoms
  • To ensure the continued health of your loved ones and the community at-large, those who had close contact with the two players who tested positive for COVID-19 should limit their contact with the public
  • This doesn’t mean you should be cut off from the community and your families, or that you should be prevented from being in public spaces
  • You should try to maintain some distance (approximately six feet) from others when you are in public, for example, if you go to the grocery store, try to go during off hours
  • You can continue to be active, as long as you feel well enough to do so
  • Your families and children do not pose any risk to the community.