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Letters: Right and wrong in Syria

Related Topics: Syria, Blame, April 11, Legislator

Blame Prop. 54

Re: “California lawmakers are ignoring new transparency rules” [Opinion, April 11]: Contrary to what your editorial states, California’s legislators aren’t ignoring Proposition 54. In fact, they’re following the ballot measure’s language to the letter of the law.

Prop. 54 actually increased the amount of side deals in the recent passage of the governor’s transportation plan. Rather than being able to strike while the iron was hot, Prop. 54 created an artificial waiting period where getting votes got tougher and tougher.

The self-appointed “reformers,” bankrolled by a right-wing billionaire who refused to work with legislators to pass meaningful legislation, have only themselves to blame for increased backroom, secret and nontransparent dealmaking that have resulted from this poorly-written initiative.