CFP Anger Index: Why Washington, Alabama and the Group of 5 should be mad this week
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CFP Anger Index: Why Washington, Alabama and the Group of 5 should be mad this week

Related Topics: Washington



There are two types of anger in any given walk of life. The first is instant outrage, like when you get a look at the first College Football Playoff rankings and realize the committee applied one line of logic to Ohio State and another to Michigan and seemed entirely unfazed by that seeming paradox.

The second type is the long simmering furor that builds and builds over time, becoming all the more irrational and indignant the longer it's left untended -- like your partner failing to hang the toilet paper roll the right way (loose end in front) or the committee leaving the top eight teams unchanged from week to week in spite of the aforementioned paradoxical justifications even when we've calmly explained its mistake and given it ample time to adjust particularly when, say, Ohio State struggled against Rutgers or when Washington notched another solid win and -- sorry, we blacked out for a moment there due to sheer outrage.