THE REACTION Gadlin will receive a $10,000 scholarship as the conference's winner in addition to a $2,500 scholarship as Tulsa's institutional nominee. The tuition giveaway awards one grand prize from each FBS conference to student-athletes pursuing careers in education. Direct download of video as XZauvea Gadlin is informed that he is the Go Teach Dr Pepper Tuition Giveaway grand prize recipient.
IRVING, Texas –– The American Athletic Conference, in partnership with the College Football Playoff Foundation has announced that The University of Tulsa offensive lineman X'Zauvea Gadlin is the conference's Go Teach Dr Pepper Tuition Giveaway grand prize recipient.
American Athletic Conference Awards $10,000 In Tuition to Tulsa’s X’Zauvea Gadlin From College Football Playoff Foundation and Dr Pepper