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'We will not be furloughing them': Burnley chairman Mike Garlick promises full pay for non-playing staff but admits situation could change if Premier League does not return from coronavirus break by the summer

Burnley chairman Mike Garlick has vowed to keep all the club's staff on full pay for the foreseeable future.

The Lancashire club are one of the smallest outfits in the Premier League. In the last financial year Burnley made a profit of just £4.3m.

But after a week that has seen big clubs like Liverpool and Tottenham criticised for placing non-playing staff on the government's emergency furlough scheme, Garlick vowed to hold out as long as possible.

Burnley say they will not be furloughing any non playing staff for the short-to-medium term
Clarets chairman Mike Garlick says the club could lose up to u00a350m if coronavirus continues

'It's a conversation we have had over the last week,' Garlick told BBC Radio 5 Live.