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'I dropped my bags at Heathrow, drove back to West Ham, watched the 4-3 and then left for Thailand...'

March 4, 2007 is a date etched in Jason McGovern's memory for eternity.

Determined to take in the derby at West Ham on the same day he was jetting off to Asia, the life-long Spurs fan from Bromley, Kent, planned his day to perfection.

He takes up the story. "I booked the night flight, got to Heathrow first thing in the morning, dropped my bags off, got back to Upton Park, watched the game, went back to Heathrow and jumped on the plane.

Below: Dimitar Berbatov celebrates his equaliser at 3-3


"It was a 4 o'clock game, and just before my 40th birthday.