Okay, the anime references need to stop. It’s not like they’re undermining my articles or anything, it’s just that my crippling social anxiety won’t allow me to share my hobbies or interests with others. I mean think about it: I’m going to inevitably become the next Zach Lowe and host a podcast where I have fun, insightful conversations with NBA players. And what’s every single player going to do before they come on my show? That’s right, they’re going to go back and read the old nonsense column I wrote for Raptors HQ. If the anime references don’t stop then they’ll find out I like anime, and once the players find that out, they’ll bully me and call me a nerd on my imaginary future podcast.
The Fun and Good times for the Raptors this week involve a pair of fun two-for-ones, some good jersey advice, and absolutely no anime.