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We are PPP. Resistance is futile.

We are MLSE. Lower your blockers and surrender your water bottles. Your Swedish defenceman will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.

So the Leafs signed a player named Andreas Borgman. If your first reaction was “Borgman? Sounds Swedish.” You would be correct!

The Maple Leafs extracted him from the collective with their superior GM skills.

It wasn’t only Borgman, the Leafs snagged two defenceman today.

No matter what happens, history tells us that the Leafs will prevail. Even if it takes a millennium. We will prevail.

Here’s what else we wrote about on this fine day

Mitch Marner dominates Finland at 2017 IIHF World Championships - Arvind
Another day, another Leaf player kicking butt

Marner, Matthews, and the impact of the NHL’s greatest puck thieves - Kavin Papetti
Mike Babcock used to coach the NHL’s best puck thief In Pavel Datsyuk.