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Tuesdays FTB: Morning links and a weatherman throws stones in his glass arena

Last night it was snarkey fan of an old team vs southern fanbase part a billion.

Some Pittsburgh weatherman was all

i'M rEAlly gEtTiNg tIrEd oF hEaRiNg aBOuT nASHviLLe'S fAnS...sUppOrTiNg a tEAm iN oNe StAnLeY cUp PLayOFfS doEs nOT mAkE a HoCKeY tOwn

— Andy (@pucktails) June 6, 2017

Then he would double down and count sell outs and support for his team but oddly enough he onky went back ten years.

Clearly he doesnt know his own teams history pre-Crosby. The Penguins were such a sad sack franchise that they couldn't afford to pay Mario Lemieux the money he deferred because they, well, didn't have any at the time.