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Toronto Maple Leafs in Niagara Falls: Community recap

Related Topics: Toronto Maple Leafs, Gale Centre

This past weekend the Toronto Maple Leafs held their training camp in the city of Niagara Falls, at the Gale Centre. A community rink that usually only sees JrB games and rec league teams play was overflowing with Maple Leafs players, staff, and fans.

Aside from game play, which was covered by Katya here and here, the Maple Leafs went out into the community to build up their fan base, what with them being in “Sabres country” and all.....

There was the autographs outside the rink from the players to the coaches:

Walking around the Gale Centre is was hard to find any one without at least one autograph and most kids were covered in Sharpie scribbles.