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Tomas Kaberle officially retires

Tomáš Kaberle oficiálnu011b ukonu010dil svou bohatou kariéru. Nejmladší ze slavné dynastie zu016fstane jedním z nejlepších obráncu016f Kladna všech dob.

— Rytíu0159i Kladno (@RytiriKladno) 22 September 2016

[Translated from Czech by Bing] Tomas Kaberle officially ended his rich career. The youngest of the famous dynasty remains one of the best defenders of all time, to Kladno.

Tomas Kaberle announced his retirement today after 21 years in pro hockey. It's almost 22 years, as he played one game in the 1994-1995 season for Kladno. He started his career in the franchise that made his father famous, and he went back after his NHL days were over.