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Nikita Zaitsev in a post-season Russian interview shows us his personality

Natalia (extragalactic), a translator who has done excellent work at Raw Charge, offered to help us out with a translation of an interview Nikita Zaitsev did with a Russian news site. You may remember that Zaitsev did a similar interview last year at this time for the same site. He was fun and feisty then, and got in a shot at Don Cherry, while talking about his first season with the Leafs.

This year, he’s back and even more feisty, and Natalia explains a little about the interviewer before she gets into the meat of what was said:

Leafs defender Nikita Zaitsev was recently interviewed by Alexey Shevchenko of Sport-Express about what he has learned in his second season in the NHL, his fights on the ice, and playing at the IIHF World Championship.