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Leo Komarov needs to lower his visor

Related Topics: Leo Komarov

Elliot Friedman’s 30 Thoughts is often hiding some tiny piece of news that isn’t important, but makes you nod your head and say “yeah”. This week there was one little piece that did that for me:

27. Another thing that was discussed at the GM meetings: how players wear their visors. Don’t know if this will become a point of emphasis, but Leo Komarov’s is apparently too high.

Yes, Leo Komarov does wear his visor awfully high, below I’ve highlighted where the bottom of his visor is:

Wearing a visor properly has never been Leo’s style, in this National Post article from the summer of 2016, Leo says he’s always been trying to find ways around wearing one:

Ryan White says the visor is a bothersome piece of equipment.