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Kyle Dubas on player development, Tobias Lindberg, Frederik Gauthier

Related Topics: Toronto Marlies, Dean Blundell

Tough night for the Leafs last night – a 7-2 loss. We’ll get to the Marlies and their terrific season in just a second. What was interesting to me – you watched Brendan Leipsic go and play in Vancouver and he was terrific; he had a goal. I know Nazem Kadri came back. Is this one of those things where, “hey, listen, we went with a full deck with our guys,” or is it, “hey, we’re going to start giving some guys with the Marlies a taste; a game here, a game there”?

Kyle Dubas: I think, in this case specifically, with the amount of injuries we’ve had and the number of players on the roster, when you’re trying to manage that situation, there are some specific CBA things and roster rules you have to abide by.