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Tyre Phillips NFL Draft 2020: Scouting Report for Baltimore Ravens' Pick

Vasha Hunt/Associated Press

Tyre Phillips, Mississippi State - OG4


NFL-ready height (6'5"), weight (331 lbs), and length (35u215b" arms and 10u215c" hands).

—Bulldozer in the run game who uses his wide frame, length and heavyweight hips to initiate contact, engage with his hands and start pounding the turf.

—Down-blocks like he's looking for knockouts; has a tight and compact punch that lands with good placement, and he beats dudes up before washing down the line of scrimmage with ease.

—Heavy-handed player who will clutch and dirty box defenders to submission in the run game; won't reach people in space, but he'll extend, latch on, drag defenders in and control the rep relentlessly.