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The 5 most outrageous moments from James Dolan’s radio interview

Knicks owner James Dolan gave a rare interview on Friday afternoon on ESPN Radio’s Michael Kay Show to address the Charles Oakley saga, and it was a doozy.

Dolan came armed with a binder full of notes marked “preparation” and spoke for more than 30 minutes about all aspects of the team’s dysfunction, from the Oakley mess to Phil Jackson’s rocky relationship with Carmelo Anthony.

We’ve attempted to distil the insanity down to the most absurd bits.

“You’d be hard-pressed to find a living New York team owner the fans like.”

Perhaps because the other ones include a Russian oligarch, a guy who got scammed by Bernie Madoff, a guy appointed as an ambassador by Donald Trump and two guys who, like Dolan, inherited everything they have from their father.