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Hank Aaron Says Colin Kaepernick Is 'Getting a Raw Deal' from NFL Teams

Related Topics: Hank Aaron, Colin Kaepernick

Baseball Hall of Famer Hank Aaron said the NFL is giving Colin Kaepernick a "raw deal" and believes a team should sign him.

"[Kaepernick] has gone to all these camps, I suppose, and nobody seems to think he stands a chance to be a No. 1 [quarterback]," Aaron told AllThatTV's Roland S. Martin in an interview (h/t "Here's a man, a young player, that almost carried a team to a championship, to a Super Bowl. I think somebody needs to give this man a chance."

Kaepernick, 29, remains a free agent heading into the third week of the preseason, and many believe that's due to his national anthem protest in 2016.