Congratulations to Dylan Dreiling, who was voted the #14 prospect in the LSB Offseason Community Prospect Rankings, receiving a little over one-third of the vote.
Our list so far:
1 — Sebastian Walcott
2 — Kumar Rocker
3 — Alejandro Rosario
4 — Jack Leiter
5 — Emiliano Teodo
6 — Winston Santos
7 — Malcolm Moore
8 — Justin Foscue
9 — Alejandro Osuna
10 — Kohl Drake
11 — Brock Porter
12 — Jose Corniell
13 — Mitch Bratt
14 — Dylan Dreiling
Because there has been a history of vote-spamming shenanigans in the rankings, I used Google Forms for the last several of community rankings, and it worked out well, so we will use it again.