We visited with Mississippi State's hottest new sensation.
Howdy, ladies and gentlemen. We have a special treat for you on this newest edition of The Bullcast: A GUEST! We dusted off our tuxedo t-shirts and strived for respectable behavior for long enough to visit with Mr. Steven "Stingray" Ray, the budding Mississippi State superfan internet sensation, who joined us for a solid Q&A session. He's a helluva nice guy. Be sure to follow him on Twitter.
Also covered:
- Arkansas was a good win, hold off on the pink slips
- actually the offense did okay when you think about it
- no the offense was pretty damn good, y'all
- the Austin conspiracy is a travesty all throughout Austin
- these tinfoil top hats are extremely awkward
- we learn that one of our own members moonlights as a high school football official on the weekends!