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Report: Johnny Manziel says he's sober and wants to get back to football

Related Topics: Johnny Manziel, Ed Werder, Sobriety

It appears Johnny Manziel may be trying to put the football back in Johnny Football.

ESPN's Ed Werder on Friday shared details of his talk with the former Texas A&M and Cleveland Browns quarterback. He told Werder he got sober without professional help and he's looking to get back into football.

Johnny Manziel tells me he has achieved sobriety without professional assistance, needs to maintain and wants to play #NFL. (1/3)

— Ed Werder (@Edwerderespn) January 20, 2017

It sounds like Manziel is looking for any foot in the door. "A preseason game, anything, I don't care what it is," he told Werder.