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A PS3 Season in Review: The saga concludes

After countless hours and an embarrassing amount of emotional investment, our summer project is complete

Welcome back, y’all. Check out part one for the preamble and the first three games of the season.

Here we go.

Game #4: Texas A&M vs. Arkansas (Arlington, TX)

Ah, Arkansas. Pleasant, dependable Arkansas.

A boring first half left us tied at ten at the break, but A&M jumped ahead 17-10 late in the third quarter. Which, of course, meant that Arkansas immediately answered with a 63 yard run to tie the game.

At this point, we saw a staple of seemingly every A&M/Arkansas game since our move to the SEC: Arkansas shoots themselves in the foot at a critical juncture

Play of the game

Yes, that’s us catching a dropped interception for a touchdown (followed by a ‘zero frans given’ celebration by Trevor Knight).