It’s the first day of Wimbledon! Wimbledon 2015! That’s right, they’ve decided to hold the tennis here again this year! You can’t tell me that you’re not excited. You’re excited. There will be forehands, there will be backhands, there will be drama, maybe some scandal, maybe some controversy, even some rows, there will be slices and drop shots and titters from the most easily amused crowd in the world when someone hilariously serves three lets in a row, there will be double faults, there will be aces, there will be Sue Barker, there will be the moment the BBC cancels that night’s episode of Masterchef as the always perplexing and never dull Andy Murray allows his fourth-round match to roll into its fifth hour, there will be tears, there will be cheers, and when it’s all over there will be 254 L.