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Rays employees visit Dominican Republic for back-to-school charity work

Related Topics: Dominican Republic

Via team press release.

The Tampa Bay Rays visited Escuela Basica Patria Mirabal, a primary school adjacent to the Rays Academy in Guerra, Dominican Republic, last week to help get students ages 4-14 ready for the school year and see progress made on renovations to the school.

Members of the Rays community engagement team joined Rays Academy staff to deliver school supplies, backpacks, uniforms, hygiene products and Rays giveaway items to students at the school, in addition to providing new shoes to more than 125 students.

Tampa Bay Rays

“As a Dominican, I’m really proud to be a part of an organization that not only cares about winning on the field, but more importantly, cares about the people in the community; to me, that means a lot,” said Rays Assistant Director of Latin American Player Programs Jairo DeLaRosa.