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DLT Deadlocks - NFL Picks Week 8 2016

Welp, another horrific week of picking games for me. It is what it is. This definitely not been my year. But, hey, like the Niners, we just keep on keeping on, hoping it gets better.

Friendly advice though, don't bet the house on my picks (unless you're going opposite).

I am following the lead of other picking sites and throwing out the result of the Arizona-Seattle Dungyball special. Frankly, I don't think we should because we're in the prediction business and no one predicted a tie. Still, just to keep things simple I'll follow their logic.

Last Week: 7-7 50% Upset Specials: 1-2 33%

Season: 58-48 54% Upset Specials: 7-9 43%

Thursday Night

Titans 23, Jaguars 13 - This will be harder to watch than what Negan did in the Walking Dead


Upset Special #1 - Washington NFL Franchise 23, Bengals 13 - The Bengals have been a ghost of themselves of late.