Barnard Breaks Home Run Record; Shockers Split Games
Wichita State Shockers
Official Site of the Shockers
American Tabs Barnard Player of the Year, Highlighting Regular Season Awards
Wichita State Shockers
Official Site of the Shockers
NFCA Tabs Barnard National Player of the Week for Third Time
Wichita State Shockers
Official Site of the Shockers
Wichita State’s Barnard, South Florida’s Corrick Shine With Week 12 Softball Awards
American Athletic
Official Site of the AAC
Barnard Tabbed Player of the Week, Cooper Lands on Honor Roll
Wichita State Shockers
Official Site of the Shockers
Records Shatter in Emphatic Series-Opening Win at ECU
Wichita State Shockers
Official Site of the Shockers
More Accolades Roll in for Red-Hot Addison Barnard
Wichita State Shockers
Official Site of the Shockers