If you're traveling for a Syracuse football game this season, Mark has you covered.
So what makes a great road trip for a Syracuse Orange football fan? Syracuse tailgating expert TexanMark gives us his rankings of the six road trips this year.
Factors Considered:
Non-Football Related Activities (touristy stuff in the local area)
- Weather (will I freeze my butt off for the date scheduled?)
- Ease and Cost of Travel and Lodging (Varied Choices and Reasonable Costs)
- Parking Ease + Tailgate Atmosphere (Game Day Cash Lots which have Tailgating)
- Desirability of Rival (Excitement of a win over them)
- "Winnability"of Game (Chance of a win this season)
- Stadium Amenities and Atmosphere (On campus is a huge plus)
If you can only go to one away game this year, what’s your top road trip pick?