In the movie "Heartbreak Ridge," Clint Eastwood plays a Marine sergeant who has to overcome a myriad of obstacles and challenges to get a platoon of fresh recruits into shape before leading them into battle during the American invasion of Grenada in 1983.
In this unprecedented football season created by the COVID-19 pandemic, Syracuse football head coach Dino Babers can relate to Eastwood's character.
"It's like 'Heartbreak Ridge' with Clint Eastwood," Babers said. "You have to adjust and improvise in 2020, and we've really done a good job with that. We've been adjusting and improvising since March: going three practices and shutting down spring ball; having Zoom calls in April, May, June until (the student-athletes) got back June 8; and all of the stuff we had to do leading up to this.