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St. Louis Cardinals’ 2016 Top Prospects: #24 Eliezer Alvarez

Welcome to the next edition of our Top Prospects series, where we are covering another infielder for the St. Louis Cardinals in Eliezer Alvarez. This is possibly the most underrated prospect in the entire St. Louis Cardinals organization.

At #25 he has room to grow, and become a much higher ranked prospect as the season goes. I really like this guy and think that with a solid year he could skip a level. Don’t take my word for it though, let’s take a look at what makes this guy good.

#24 Eliezer Alvarez 3B

Season Stats:

Scout Grade: Hit: 50 | Power: 40 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50*

Analysis: There’s not much out there on this guy.