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Reason #4 to Sign Jason Heyward - A Hunt and Peck

(What y'all want?)
Home runs (no doubt)
Talking about the stuff that don't
rely on BABIP
Sign Jason Heyward

what else is going on in baseball...
what the cardinals are up to...
the nl central
the milwaukee brewers
viva el stuff...
other things...
weekly scoreboard:
Monday, September 21 Reds 1 Cardinals 2 RR Recap VEB Recap
Tuesday, September 22 Reds 1 Cardinals 3 RR Recap VEB Recap
Wednesday, September 23 Reds 2 Cardinals 10 RR Recap VEB Recap
Thursday, September 24 Brewers 3 Cardinals 7 BCB Recap VEB Recap

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