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Sunday Open Bar (Kinda) - Everyday I'm Drinking

Gonna keep this short and sweet for your Sunday perusal:

  • The Blues lost to the Islanders 3-2 but got a point as they got their first taste of 3-on-3 overtime. HullandOates85 has your recap. [SLGT]
  • We also got to see a save by Robert Bortuzzo in the second. [SLGT FanShots]
  • Before the game, the worst was confirmed regarding Jaden Schwartz . . . he'll be re-evaluated in 12 weeks after having successful surgery on his broken ankle suffered in practice. [SLGT]
  • A scary moment in Philly yesterday as Flyers forward Michael Raffl collapsed on the bench not long after taking an inadvertent elbow to the face from Jarret Stoll .