It’s a challenging job to protect athletes, visitors and venue staff from severe weather events; if that’s your job, kudos to you for getting it done. If your programs are growing, however, you are likely to reach a point when you need help to deliver safety warnings is no longer an efficient way to get everyone to safety.
Meteorological Services
The Washington Nationals, relies on Earth Networks’ meteorological services for accurate, up-to-the-second forecasts and 24/7 expert consultation. The team uses this information, tailored specifically for the stadium, to decide game delays and cancellations to protect fans numbering up to 40,000. Your hometown team may be smaller and the crowds nowhere near that size, but it is just as important for you to protect players, fans and personnel from deadly lightning storms.
Real-Time Weather Tracker
The Maryland SoccerPlex in Boyds, Md., a 160-acre complex with 22 soccer fields and an outdoor stadium, trusts our customized system of lightning detection and severe weather warnings to alert staff and visitors to imminent danger. You may not have even half that number of fields, but you can offer similar protection from storms with a real time weather tracker that gives you live data.
Automated Alert System
Oklahoma State University Stillwater depends on Earth Networks to alert people of imminent lightning, tornadoes and hail. The school uses an automated system that triggers the alarm when dangerous storm near the stadium, giving crowds time to find shelter until the storm passes. You can provide this same protection no matter what size your college or school.
Weather Detection Benefits
Weather detection benefits to sports fields and stadiums include having enough time to implement an action plan for getting visitors to safety, notify game-day crowds to begin evacuation and secure costly equipment and playing fields.